The holidays are upon us, and nephews Cade and Ray are testing out the new Nerf Crossbow. Watch out Ted Nugent!

Holidays On The Hi-Fi Playlist
After a lengthy career in radio, I honestly have a love/hate relationship with Christmas music. I played a LOT of it over the years, and in all honesty most of the songs I played lacked something. For a long time, I couldn’t figure out what that something was. I tried to blame it on the fact that I played ‘Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer” waaaaaaay too many times, but that wasn’t it at all.
Then back in 2003 or 2004 when I was involved in running the legendary WAKR radio in Akron (the station where Alan Freed actually coined the term Rock N’ Roll) and there I finally realized what the problem was. The music I loved during the holidays was truly the good ole songs. Today they’re called Christmas standards, but back when I was growing up Bing Crosby, Andy Williams, and Perry Como were everywhere during the holiday season. In the mid 2000’s WAKR was catering to an older audience and playing those standards during the holidays and memories came flooding back.
Last year in my spare time I sat down during the holidays and attempted to create the ultimate Christmas playlist. I wanted to create a list of songs that you could play during a holiday party and even during Christmas Dinner. So this year my gift to you is a playlist I call Holidays On The Hi-Fi. And thanks to you can enjoy these songs no matter where you listen to music online. Happy Holidays!

For The Beer Lover…
Saw this online today, and it made me chuckle. If you’re looking for a unique gift the beer drinker who has everything, have you thought of the “Beer Holster”?
Perfect gift? Gag gift? You decide. If you think it’s the perfect gift for the beer lover in your life, check out

Peeps… A Question?
You know Peeps. The marshmallow candy that you can’t miss at Easter time. First, there were the baby chicks
Then, came Peeps for Christmas.
There are even Peeps for Halloween (which makes total sense)
I’ve even seen Peeps for Valentine’s Day. So…. My question. Why don’t we have Peeps for Thanksgiving?! Turkey Peeps anyone?

Meowly Christmas
The rash of Chirstmas cards has begun hitting our mailbox. Many have pictures of our friends’ and families’ children or grandchildren. Since we haven’t been participants in the “kid derby”, I thought it only fitting to offer a holiday greeting from our wee one… Mailbox Millie. Since she was once a spokes cat for Purina One, I found this greeting appropriate!

Getting Into The Holiday Spirit
It may be Black Friday, but it sure doesn’t feel like the holiday shopping season is upon us yet… Not until I see…